While restrictions remain in place due to COVID-19, the Parish Council will meet as normal (i.e., date and time). From May 7th 2021 we will hold face to face meetings albeit with some restrictions on the number of people who can attend. As such, any member of the public wishing to attend a meeting should notify the Clerk by midday on the day of the meeting.
Should you have any queries please put these to the Clerk in the normal way.
There are number of resources available, which are listed below:
Blakeney Residents FaceBook Page
Awre Village Hall FaceBook Page
Forest of Dean District Council
Gloucestershire County Council
Gloucestershire’s councils and partners have created a community help hub to connect local people who need help, with others who can provide the support they need. People can now register to the county’s community help hub by calling 01452 583519 Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 5pm, as well as online.
Food Bank: 07775 265263 / info@theforest.foodbank.org.uk
Baby Bank: 07870 286268 / yourbabyfod@outlook.com
Age Uk: 0800 678 1602