The Parish Council can be contacted through it’s clerk, whose details are below.
Alternatively, the public is welcome to come to any of the meetings. However there are constraints on what can be discussed with the public during the monthly meetings. Please refer to the Dates page for details of the meetings and the constraints which apply.
Mrs Ursula Deighton:
Purlieu Farm, The Purlieu, Blakeney, GLOS. GL15 4LW
t: +44 (0) 1594 516518
In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000, Parish Council’s have been recommended to make the following documents available. These are all in pdf format.
- Annual Financial Statement
- Statement of Accounts
- Budget
- Standing Orders
- Financial Regulations
- Openness & Transparency Guidlines
- Blakeney Cemetery Charges
- Burial Permission Form
- Code of Conduct
- Certificate of Employer’s Liability
- Schedule of Works – Cllr responsibilities
- End of Year Accounts- Audit
- Annual Governance Statement-Audit
- Internal Control Statement
- Councillor Contact Details
- Complaints Procedure
- Risk Assessment
- Asset Register
- Disciplinary and Grievance Policies
- Training Statement
- Chairman’s Report from Annual Parish Meeting
- Members Register of Interests
Any requests for other information should be directed at the Parish Clerk, see details above.